The Athens Gingerbread Guild
the First Annual Gingerbread House Competition
Important Dates & Times
Early Bird Entrant Deadline ($25.00)
Monday, November 26, 2018, 11:59 p.m. (online or postmarked) |
Final Entrant Deadline ($30.00)
Saturday, December 1, 2018, 11:59 p.m. (online or postmarked) |
Gingerbread House Display Hours Thursday, December 6, 2018, 5-10 p.m. Friday, December 7, 2018, 4-9 p.m. Saturday, December 8, 2018, 12-5 p.m. Sunday, December 9, 2018, 12-3 p.m.
Sugar Shindig & Award Announcement Friday, December 7, 2018, 8-11 p.m., Awards announced at 9 p.m.
Gingerbread Jr.Youth House Decorating Saturday, December 8, 2018, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
People’s Choice Announcement Sunday, December 9, 2018, 1 p.m.
The First Annual Gingerbread House Competition presented by the Athens Gingerbread Guild is a showcase for the public in which entrants’ gingerbread creations are guest judged and winners are awarded prizes, including a people’s choice award. The house display will be at 296 W. Broad St. Athens, GA 30601 from December 6-9, 2018 (hours vary); all ages are welcome.
The Sugar Shindig (“the Shindig”) is a celebration and announcement of awards. The Shindig is at Little Kings Shuffle Club (223 W. Hancock Ave., Athens, GA 30601) on Friday, December 7, 2018 at 8 p.m.; all ages are welcome.
The Gingerbread Jr. Youth Decorating Party is an event for ages 14 and under; an adult must stay with the youth entrant. Entrants will decorate preassembled gingerbread houses from kits. The event is at 296 W. Broad St. Athens, GA 30601 and occurs before public display hours from 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
The People’s Choice Award Announcement will be on Sunday, December 9, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. The announcement will be at the house display at 296 W. Broad St. Athens, GA 30601; all ages are welcome.
Rules and Procedures
Please read this entire document. Entrance in the competition signified you have read and agree to the rules and procedures stated here. The Athens Gingerbread Guild (“the Guild”) suggests submitting your entrance form before the deadline to avoid mishaps in delivery and to secure your entry spot, as space is limited. The Guild may refuse or disqualify any submission deemed inappropriate, at the Guild’s discretion.
Entering the Competition
The competition is open to any person(s).
General Submission category: Entrant can be any age. This make-your-own-house submission must be constructed and decorated solely by the entrant. For safety reasons, entrants under 18 years may be supervised by a parent, legal guardian, classroom teacher, or another adult caregiver. A parent/legal guardian must sign the minor’s registration form. The registration fee must be paid in order to be registered for the competition.
Team category: A Team is considered two or more persons. Teams can be any age. All entrants must be listed on the registration. A parent/legal guardian’s signature must accompany any minor entrant. Teams must have one captain (an adult if possible). For safety reasons, entrants under 18 years may be supervised by a parent, legal guardian, classroom teacher, or another adult caregiver. If that adult participates beyond supervising, the adult should be listed on the team roster. The registration fee must be paid in order to be registered for the competition.
This make-your-own-house submission must be constructed and decorated solely by the team.
Entrants must register online or mail an Entrant Form through a postal service by December 1, 2018 at the latest. Early bird registration ends November 26, 2018. The entrant form must be signed by the person entering the competition. If the entrant is under 18 years old, the form should be signed by a parent or legal guardian with the entrant’s date of birth. Entrants who register by mail will receive a confirmation correspondence by December 3rd. If a confirmation is not received, please email Each entrant may only submit one entry as a singular person but may participate on a team in addition the single submission. The Gingerbread Guild is not responsible for changes to computer systems digital failures as a result or electronic registration or for postal delays.
If an entrant needs to withdraw from the competition, notify the Guild by email to no later than December 4, 2018, 11:59 p.m. Entrants will be reimbursed half their entry fee up to December 4th. No reimbursements will be given after that December 4th.
Competition Categories
Entrants may enter one of the following categories or two if the second submission is with a team:
General Submission Category: single person any age, who must make your own house
Teams: groups of two or more of any age, who must make your own house
Submissions do not need to be houses as long as they follow the rules and procedures.
Judging and Criteria
Judges will be invited guests of the Guild. Judging will occur before the public display hours. Judged winners will be announced at the Sugar Shindig, and People’s Choice Awards will be announced on Sunday, December 9, 2018 at 1:00 p.m.
General Submissions & Teams (Make Your Own)
General submissions and teams will be judged on 1) Overall Appearance, 2) Creativity, and 3) Precision.
Excellent |
Good |
Fair |
Poor |
Overall Appearance | ||||
Creativity | ||||
Precision |
Criteria Description
- Overall Appearance – The submission is visually appealing as a whole.
- Creativity – The submission conveys imaginative ideas and resourcefulness.
- Precision – The submission is neat and exacting. The submission is strong in construction and decorating technique.
The judges will evaluate all submissions. Decision of the judges is final.
Only 1st, 2nd, 3rd places for each category and one overall People’s Choice award will be revealed. Each entrant will be emailed a composite score of the judges’ evaluation, if desired.
Size of Submission
Each submission must be placed on a board, supplied by the entrant. We suggest using a plywood board as the base.
Each submission including the board must not exceed 36 inches high, 36 inches wide, and 36 inches long. The submission weight limit is 50 lbs.
Materials and Construction
Everything in the submission above the base must be 100% edible and non-toxic. A submission with inedible parts will be automatically disqualified from earning an award. No inedible structural supports are allowed (e.g., foam cake dummies). The main visible structure of the submission must be constructed of approximately 75% gingerbread, with some exposed. This percentage will be determined by the Guild based on approximate square inches.
Candies should be free of non-edible material (e.g., inedible wrappers, lollipop sticks). The outer edge of the base may be decorated with non-edible materials (e.g., paint, ribbon), but the decorations may not exceed the allowable 36”x36”x36” size restrictions.
Each submission’s base must be clearly labeled with its Guild-assigned identification number throughout the judging and viewing hours. The identification number and label (5” long by 3” high) will be provided at check-in. The Guild will do its best to attached the label to the right outside edge of the base without interfering with the submission. The entrant may want to consider the placement of the label when designing and constructing the submission. Please do not include and identifying marks, such as initials, logos, or pictures, that will indicate to the judges who has made the gingerbread house. The Guild will display a full list of names or logos of entrants (unless the entrant requests otherwise), but they will not be used to identify houses.
The Site
Address: 296 W. Broad St. Athens, GA 30601 (at the corner of W. Broad St. and Pulaski St.)
Although the site has a W. Broad St. address, the building is accessed from Pulaski St.
Check-in Process
Each entrant needs to check-in their own submission unless notice is given otherwise. Times for delivery are as follows:
Wednesday, December 5th, 2018 from 5-8 p.m.
Thursday, December 6th, 2018 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Each entrant or proxy must stay with the submission the entire time until the submission is placed in its assigned spot.
Entrants may drive their cars into the site’s parking lot for drop off and check-in. After an entrant’s submission is check-in, the car must be moved from the parking lot to allow for other entrants’ vehicles. There are several parking decks as well as on street parking in the surrounding blocks of the site.
Some hand carts will be available during the check-in process. Prior to judging, no member of the Guild may handle submissions. Please arrange to have any needed helpers capable of moving the submission at the check-in process. The check-in process is done when the submission has been set-up in its designated space with the preassigned number label.
All items must be prepared prior to the check-in. Finishing touches may be done at the site, but no kitchen facilities, tools, or electricity will be provided by the Guild.
Post Display Submission Pickup
Entrants who want to keep their submissions after the display must start pick up no earlier than December 9, 2018 at 3:15 p.m. and complete their pick up by December 9 at 5 p.m. Similar to the check-in process, entrants can park in the parking lot and hand carts will be available for transporting submissions to cars. All submissions not picked up by these allotted times will discarded or distributed at the discretion of the Guild.
2018 Gingerbread Display
Submissions will be on public display beginning December 6-9, 2018 (hours varying each day). Precautions have been and will be taken to keep the submissions protected, but the Guild cannot be held responsible for any damages incurred by the submissions while on display.
Entrants may not bring items to sell. Entrants may not give away items to the public (e.g., a filled candy dish for people to help themselves).
The Guild will award 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places submission in each of the two entry categories (General Submission and Team). A People’s Choice award will also be presented to one submission, as determined by the public. Jars will be placed next to each submission and people admitted to the display will place a ticket in the jar of their choice. The Guild will count the tickets. In the event of a tie, those submissions in contention will be given the People’s Choice award; there will be no tie-breaker.
The Guild reserves the right to substitute a prize or prize component with a prize of equal or greater value. Prizes are awarded “as is”. In cases where money is awarded, the entrant is responsible for filing all necessary taxes.
Though encouraged, entrants are not required to be at the announcement to claim their prizes. If a winner cannot be contacted or does not claim the prize by the end of the submission pick up period (December 9 at 5 p.m.), the prize will be forfeited and distributed at the discretion of the Guild. If the entrant is disqualified for any reason after being awarded a prize, the prize will be forfeited and distributed at the discretion of the Guild.
Film Release Notification
By entering the competition, entrants recognize they and their submissions and their likeness may appear in videos or photos that may be used as promotional material for The Guild and the Annual Gingerbread Competition.